For Example...
QUESTION: Would you ever invest a small amount to obtain equity in a new bank being formed by a local team of Christians to serve the other Christians and churches in your community?
IN A HEARTBEAT! That is the overwhelming positive response we get whenever we ask Christians that question. The fact is that such things are needed, and that most everyone wants to participate when offered a vested interest in any undertaking that is important to them and what they believe.
So, good news, friend! That stakeholder concept and being “Rock Solid” like JESUS is what the Konkrete Company is all about. We are literally serving as a Godly incubator system to help accomplish significant objectives of truly great importance to The Church as a whole. The difference is that we are working, as The Church should, at a national and international scale – through very large, dedicated teams of Christians – while operating solely according to Biblical standards as God expects.
Together, as ONE, we have set out to build some of the most impactful, new God-honoring ministries and businesses in the world. They’ll tend to be big in size and scope because this is a genuinely collaborative effort of the Body of Christ. And, since everything in this world tends to revolve around money, that does include forming a Bank designed to benefit everyone in The Church. But, that’s not all! We are also actively working to make Disciples as we incubate Godly solutions to address other significant issues – in everything from insurance and real estate to homelessness and hunger!
Ultimately, God’s People and each of these new Christian run business and ministry undertakings will be linked together in harmony as part of what we call the Konkrete Economy and Financial Ecosystem. The development of a just and mutually beneficial, Christ-centered economy/ecosystem like this is critical to the well-being and future of every member of The Church. To be good stewards, we all need new economic tools, financial solutions, and monetary systems that function properly “IN this world,” but that are NOT corrupted by the carnal ways “OF this world.” Such things are vital for us to LIVE, WORK, and MINISTER to others well, with Honor and Integrity, as we systematically advance the Cause of Christ – both today, and in the times to come.
If you are a Christian, we believe you will recognize these few words to be both good and true. And, you will have a desire to be a faithful stakeholder in this Rock Solid endeavor too! As such, we invite you to join with us. Become a Konkrete Colleague today.
Be Blessed!